kanzi::Binding Class Reference

Binding objects establish connections between properties, message values or arguments. More...

#include <kanzi/core.ui/binding/binding.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for kanzi::Binding:
kanzi::Object kanzi::MetaObject kanzi::PropertyObject

Public Types

enum  Mode { ModeOneWay, ModeTwoWay }
 Binding mode enumeration. More...
enum  WriteMode { WriteModeProperty, WriteModeModifier, WriteModeValueSource }
 Write mode, what should the binding do with the result value? More...
typedef vector< BindingProcessorSharedPtrBindingProcessorVector
typedef BindingProcessorVector::const_iterator BindingProcessorIterator
- Public Types inherited from kanzi::PropertyObject
typedef intrusive_ptr< AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::PropertyStoragePropertyStoragePtr
typedef vector< PropertyStoragePtrPropertyStorageContainer
typedef PropertyStorageContainer::iterator PropertyStorageIterator
typedef PropertyStorageContainer::const_iterator PropertyStorageConstIterator
typedef PropertyStorageContainer::reverse_iterator PropertyStorageReverseIterator

Public Member Functions

void setMode (Mode mode)
 Sets binding mode. More...
Mode getMode () const
 Gets binding mode. More...
void setWriteMode (WriteMode mode)
 Sets binding write mode. More...
WriteMode getWriteMode () const
 Gets binding write mode. More...
void setPrecedence (optional< PropertyValuePrecedence > precedence)
 Sets precedence (for value source write mode). More...
optional< PropertyValuePrecedencegetPrecedence () const
 Gets precedence (for value source write mode). More...
void setSourceValue (const Variant &value)
 Set up source rule to specify a value. More...
void setSourceDynamicObjectProperty (string_view objectPath, AbstractPropertyType propertyType, PropertyField field)
 Set up source rule to specify an object property. More...
void addSourceDynamicObjectProperty (string_view objectPath, AbstractPropertyType propertyType, PropertyField field)
 Adds or a source property as the source rule. More...
void setSourceMessageArgument (AbstractPropertyType argumentType, PropertyField field)
 Set up source rule to specify a message argument. More...
void setSourceResource (ResourceID id)
 Set up source as a resource object. More...
void addDataSourceProperty (string_view objectPath)
 Adds a data source property as the source rule. More...
void setZeroSource ()
 Set a zero source binding. More...
void setTargetDynamicObjectProperty (string_view objectPath, AbstractPropertyType propertyType, PropertyField field)
 Set up target rule to specify an object property. More...
void setTargetMessageArgument (AbstractPropertyType argumentType, PropertyField field)
 Set up target rule to specify a message argument. More...
bool read (Node *currentObjectNode, const MessageArguments *sourceMessage)
 Read values from sourceMessage and store them in rule's internal cache. More...
bool write (Node *currentObjectNode, MessageArguments *targetMessage)
 Save the cached value from the rule to targetMessage if it has one cached. More...
bool update (Node *currentObjectNode, const MessageArguments *sourceMessage, MessageArguments *targetMessage)
 Read values from sourceMessage and write them to targetMessage if the binding rule type is a message argument to message argument. More...
bool updateSource (Node *currentObjectNode, MessageArguments *sourceMessage, const MessageArguments *targetMessage)
 Update the source value in binding. More...
bool readTargetValue (Variant *value)
 Read the target value. More...
const VariantgetCachedSourceValue () const
 Returns the source value from rule's internal cache. More...
void addValidator (BindingProcessorSharedPtr processor)
 Add a validator object. More...
void removeValidator (const BindingProcessor &processor)
 Remove a validator object. More...
BindingProcessorIterator beginBindingProcessors () const
BindingProcessorIterator endBindingProcessors () const
size_t getSourceRegisterCount () const
 Gets the number of source registers in binding rule. More...
size_t getConstantRegisterCount () const
 Gets the number of constant registers in binding rule. More...
size_t getTemporaryRegisterCount () const
 Gets the number of temporary registers in binding rule. More...
size_t getDataSourceRegisterCount () const
 Gets the number of data source registers in binding rule. More...
void attach (Node *objectNode)
 Attach binding. More...
void detach ()
 Detach binding. More...
NodegetAttachedNode () const
 Get the object node the rule is attached to, if any. More...
void addConstantRegister (const Variant &constant)
 Add a constant value to the binding. More...
void setConstantRegister (size_t index, const Variant &constant)
 Set constant register at given index. More...
void setTemporaryRegisterCount (size_t count)
 Set the number of temporaries for the binding. More...
const VariantgetSourceRegister (size_t index) const
 Get access to source register. More...
const VariantgetConstantRegister (size_t index) const
 Get access to constant register. More...
VariantgetTemporaryRegister (size_t index)
 Get access to temporary register. More...
const VariantgetDataSourceRegister (size_t index) const
 Get access to data source register. More...
bool getTargetPropertyType (AbstractPropertyType &out_targetPropertyType, PropertyField &out_field) const
 Returns target property type and property field of the binding rule if it is writing to property. More...
virtual ~Binding ()
BindingSharedPtr copy () const
 Copies a binding object. More...
bool isAttached () const
 Tells if this binding is attached. More...
void addOperation (BindingOperationSharedPtr operation)
 Adds operation to the binding. More...
void setTemplateRoot (NodeSharedPtr templateRoot)
 Sets the template root of this binding. More...
NodeSharedPtr getTemplateRoot () const
 Gets the template root of this binding. More...
optional< ResourceIDgetIdIfResourceSource () const
 Gets the Resource ID, if the source is a ResourceSource. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::Object
 Object (Domain *domain)
virtual ~Object ()
DomaingetDomain () const
 Returns the domain the object belongs to. More...
KzuTaskSchedulergetTaskScheduler () const
 Returns the task scheduler of the object. More...
KzuMessageDispatchergetMessageDispatcher () const
 Returns the message dispatcher of the object. More...
ResourceManagergetResourceManager () const
 Returns the resource manager of the object. More...
virtual const MetaclassgetDynamicMetaclass () const KZ_OVERRIDE
 Returns the metaclass of the dynamic type of the object. More...
AppliedStyleEntrySharedPtr applyObjectStyle (kanzi::StyleSharedPtr style)
 Applies a style to an object. More...
void unapplyObjectStyle (AppliedStyleEntrySharedPtr appliedStyleEntry)
void applyObjectStyles ()
 Apply all styles for an object node. More...
void unapplyObjectStyles ()
 Unapplies and removes all applied styles. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::MetaObject
virtual ~MetaObject ()
bool isTypeOf (const Metaclass *objectType) const
 Determines if the type of this object is the given type or derived from it. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::PropertyObject
 PropertyObject ()
virtual ~PropertyObject ()
template<typename DataType >
void setProperty (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ParameterType value)
 Sets the local value of a property. More...
void removeKzbProperties ()
template<typename DataType >
PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ReturnType getProperty (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType) const
 Returns the current value of a property. More...
template<typename DataType >
optional< typename PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ReturnType > getOptionalProperty (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType) const
 Evaluates the property value in the same way as the overload above but does not default to the value in property metadata if there are no inputs to the property value. More...
template<typename DataType >
PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ReturnType getPropertyBase (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType) const
 Returns the current value of a property disregarding modifiers. More...
template<typename DataType >
void setAbstractProperty (AbstractPropertyType abstractPropertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ParameterType value)
template<typename DataType >
PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ReturnType getAbstractProperty (AbstractPropertyType abstractPropertyType) const
template<typename DataType >
PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ReturnType getAbstractPropertyBase (AbstractPropertyType abstractPropertyType) const
template<typename DataType >
optional< typename PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ReturnType > getOptionalAbstractProperty (AbstractPropertyType abstractPropertyType) const
void setPropertyFlag (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, uint32_t flag)
bool isPropertyFlagSet (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, uint32_t flag) const
void clearPropertyFlag (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, uint32_t flag)
bool hasValue (AbstractPropertyType propertyType) const
 Evaluates whether there are any inputs into the property value. More...
bool hasBaseValue (AbstractPropertyType propertyType) const
 Evaluates whether there are any inputs into the property value, disregarding modifiers. More...
bool hasLocalValue (AbstractPropertyType propertyType) const
 Evaluates whether there is a local value set for the property. More...
bool hasNonClassValue (AbstractPropertyType propertyType) const
 Evaluates whether there is a value of any precedence higher than class default value set for the property. More...
void removeLocalValue (AbstractPropertyType propertyType)
 Removes the local value associated with the property. More...
void copyLocalValue (const PropertyObject &other, AbstractPropertyType propertyType)
 Copies local value of single property from another object. More...
void copyLocalValues (const PropertyObject &other)
 Copies all local values from another object. More...
virtual void onPropertyChanged (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, PropertyNotificationReason reason)
 Virtual function to handle property change notifications. More...
template<typename DataType >
void addPropertyValueSource (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::TypedValueSource *valueSource, PropertyValuePrecedence precedence, void *owner)
template<typename DataType >
void removePropertyValueSource (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::TypedValueSource *valueSource, void *owner)
template<typename DataType >
void addPropertyModifier (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::ModifierCallback callback, void *owner)
template<typename DataType >
void removePropertyModifier (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::ModifierCallback callback, void *owner)
void validatePropertyModifiers (AbstractPropertyType propertyType)
template<typename DataType >
void addPropertyNotificationHandler (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::NotificationCallback callback, void *owner)
template<typename DataType >
void removePropertyNotificationHandler (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::NotificationCallback callback, void *owner)
template<typename DataType >
size_t getPropertyNotificationHandlerCount (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType)
 Gets number of current notification handlers for given property type. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static BindingSharedPtr create (Domain *domain)
 Creates a binding object. More...
static BindingSharedPtr create (Domain *domain, string_view objectPath, AbstractPropertyType sourcePropertyType, PropertyField sourceField, AbstractPropertyType targetPropertyType, PropertyField targetField)
 Helper to create a property-to-property binding rule object. More...
static BindingSharedPtr create (Domain *domain, ResourceID resourceName, AbstractPropertyType propertyType)
static BindingSharedPtr createFromDataObjectPath (Domain *domain, string_view objectPath, AbstractPropertyType targetPropertyType, PropertyField targetField)
 Helper to create a data object-to-property binding object. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::Object
static const MetaclassgetStaticMetaclass ()
 Returns the metaclass of Object class. More...
static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr makeEditorInfo ()
 Default implementation that returns empty editor info. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::MetaObject
static const MetaclassgetStaticMetaclass ()
 Returns the metaclass of Object class. More...
static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr makeEditorInfo ()
 Default implementation that returns empty editor info. More...


class DataContextListener

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from kanzi::Object
typedef vector< AppliedStyleEntrySharedPtrAppliedStyleContainer
 Applied style container. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from kanzi::Object
void initialize ()
void onCopy (const Object &other)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from kanzi::MetaObject
 MetaObject ()
void initialize ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from kanzi::PropertyObject
void addPropertyValueSource (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor, AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSource *valueSource, PropertyValuePrecedence precedence, void *owner)
void removePropertyValueSource (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor, AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSource *valueSource, void *owner)
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSourceEntrygetTopValueSourceEntry (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::PropertyStorage &propertyStorage) const
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSourceEntrygetTopValueSourceEntry (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor) const
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSourcegetTopValueSource (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor) const
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSourcegetFinalValueSource (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor) const
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSourcegetNonClassValueSource (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor) const
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSourcegetClassValueSource (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor) const
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSourceEntryfindLocalValueSourceEntry (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::PropertyStorage &propertyStorage)
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSourceEntryconstructLocalValueSourceEntry (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor, AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::PropertyStorage &propertyStorage)
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSourceEntryacquireLocalValueSourceEntry (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor, PropertyStoragePtr &propertyStorage)
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::PropertyStoragefindPropertyStorage (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor) const
PropertyStoragePtr findPropertyStoragePtr (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor) const
 Gets property storage intrusive pointer that can be used to hold a reference until end of operation. More...
PropertyStoragePtr constructPropertyStorage (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor)
PropertyStoragePtr acquirePropertyStorage (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor)
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ModifierStorageacquireModifierStorage (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor, AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::PropertyStorage &propertyStorage)
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ModifierStoragefindModifierStorage (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor)
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::NotificationStorageacquireNotificationStorage (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor)
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::NotificationStoragefindNotificationStorage (AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor &descriptor)
AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptorfindPropertyTypeDescriptorByUnqualifiedNameAndDataType (string_view unqualifiedName, PropertyDataType dataType)
void validatePropertyModifiersAndNotifyHandlers (PropertyStoragePtr &propertyStorage)
void copyLocalValue (const AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::PropertyStorage &otherPropertyStorage)
 Copy local value from property storage. More...
PropertyStorageContainer::iterator beginPropertyStorage ()
PropertyStorageContainer::iterator endPropertyStorage ()
virtual void notifyPropertyHandlers (PropertyStoragePtr &propertyStorage, PropertyNotificationReason reason)
void onCopy (const PropertyObject &other)
- Protected Attributes inherited from kanzi::Object
AppliedStyleContainer m_appliedStyles
 Listing of applied styles applied to this object. More...

Detailed Description

Binding objects establish connections between properties, message values or arguments.

When the data in the source connection is modified the binding propagates the value to the target connection. While the data is propagated the binding passes it through the optional chain of processors that can modify the value or reject the update.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef BindingProcessorVector::const_iterator kanzi::Binding::BindingProcessorIterator

Member Enumeration Documentation

Binding mode enumeration.


One way binding.


Two way binding.

Write mode, what should the binding do with the result value?


Write a property (default).


Install a modifier.


Install a value source.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual kanzi::Binding::~Binding ( )

Member Function Documentation

static BindingSharedPtr kanzi::Binding::create ( Domain domain)

Creates a binding object.

static BindingSharedPtr kanzi::Binding::create ( Domain domain,
string_view  objectPath,
AbstractPropertyType  sourcePropertyType,
PropertyField  sourceField,
AbstractPropertyType  targetPropertyType,
PropertyField  targetField 

Helper to create a property-to-property binding rule object.

memoryManagerThe memory manager to use for allocations.
domainThe UI domain.
sourcePathAn object path pointing to the source object that has the source property. This can be relative to the target property owner.
sourcePropertyType::KzuPropertyType of the source property.
sourceFieldField of the source property to bind or PropertyFieldWhole for the whole property.
targetPropertyType::KzuPropertyType of the target property.
targetFieldField of the target property to bind or PropertyFieldWhole for the whole property.
out_ruleA pointer that is set to point to the new KzuBindingRule.
KZS_SUCCESS on success.
static BindingSharedPtr kanzi::Binding::create ( Domain domain,
ResourceID  resourceName,
AbstractPropertyType  propertyType 
static BindingSharedPtr kanzi::Binding::createFromDataObjectPath ( Domain domain,
string_view  objectPath,
AbstractPropertyType  targetPropertyType,
PropertyField  targetField 

Helper to create a data object-to-property binding object.

The object path specified here is passed to addDataSourceProperty(), and is a relative path from the root data source. If the data object path in studio would be {DataContext.path.to.object}, the string passed here should be "path.to.object".

domainThe UI domain.
objectPathA relative path pointing from current data context to the source data object.
targetPropertyTypeType of the property used as binding target.
targetFieldField of the target property to bind or PropertyFieldWhole for the whole property.
Resulting binding object.
void kanzi::Binding::setMode ( Mode  mode)

Sets binding mode.

Mode kanzi::Binding::getMode ( ) const

Gets binding mode.

void kanzi::Binding::setWriteMode ( WriteMode  mode)

Sets binding write mode.

WriteMode kanzi::Binding::getWriteMode ( ) const

Gets binding write mode.

void kanzi::Binding::setPrecedence ( optional< PropertyValuePrecedence precedence)

Sets precedence (for value source write mode).

optional<PropertyValuePrecedence> kanzi::Binding::getPrecedence ( ) const

Gets precedence (for value source write mode).

void kanzi::Binding::setSourceValue ( const Variant value)

Set up source rule to specify a value.

void kanzi::Binding::setSourceDynamicObjectProperty ( string_view  objectPath,
AbstractPropertyType  propertyType,
PropertyField  field 

Set up source rule to specify an object property.

ruleThe binding rule which source property is specified.
objectPathObject path leading to the source object node, relative to the target object node.
propertyTypeThe property type in the source object node.
fieldField to bind in the property or PropertyFieldWhole for the whole property.
KZS_SUCCESS on success.
void kanzi::Binding::addSourceDynamicObjectProperty ( string_view  objectPath,
AbstractPropertyType  propertyType,
PropertyField  field 

Adds or a source property as the source rule.

It is possible to add multiple sources with this function.

void kanzi::Binding::setSourceMessageArgument ( AbstractPropertyType  argumentType,
PropertyField  field 

Set up source rule to specify a message argument.

void kanzi::Binding::setSourceResource ( ResourceID  id)

Set up source as a resource object.

void kanzi::Binding::addDataSourceProperty ( string_view  objectPath)

Adds a data source property as the source rule.

It is possible to add multiple sources with this function.

objectPathRelative path to data source from the root data source.
void kanzi::Binding::setZeroSource ( )

Set a zero source binding.

void kanzi::Binding::setTargetDynamicObjectProperty ( string_view  objectPath,
AbstractPropertyType  propertyType,
PropertyField  field 

Set up target rule to specify an object property.

ruleThe binding rule which target property is specified.
objectPathObject path leading to the target object node, relative to the target object node.
propertyTypeThe property type in the target object node.
fieldField to bind in the property or PropertyFieldWhole for the whole property.
KZS_SUCCESS on success.
void kanzi::Binding::setTargetMessageArgument ( AbstractPropertyType  argumentType,
PropertyField  field 

Set up target rule to specify a message argument.

bool kanzi::Binding::read ( Node currentObjectNode,
const MessageArguments sourceMessage 

Read values from sourceMessage and store them in rule's internal cache.

bool kanzi::Binding::write ( Node currentObjectNode,
MessageArguments targetMessage 

Save the cached value from the rule to targetMessage if it has one cached.

Implicitly installs modifier of value source writers if necessary.

bool kanzi::Binding::update ( Node currentObjectNode,
const MessageArguments sourceMessage,
MessageArguments targetMessage 

Read values from sourceMessage and write them to targetMessage if the binding rule type is a message argument to message argument.

Otherwise updates the binding depending on its type (e.g. property to property, variant to property).

ruleThe binding rule to update.
currentObjectNodeThe object node for which the binding rule object paths are relative to.
sourceMessageThe source message or KZ_NULL.
targetMessageThe target message or KZ_NULL.
out_updatedA pointer to a Boolean that is set to KZ_TRUE if the rule was updated, otherwise it is set to KZ_FALSE.
KZS_SUCCESS on success. KZS_ERROR_ENUM_OUT_OF_RANGE if the binding source type is invalid.
bool kanzi::Binding::updateSource ( Node currentObjectNode,
MessageArguments sourceMessage,
const MessageArguments targetMessage 

Update the source value in binding.

bool kanzi::Binding::readTargetValue ( Variant value)

Read the target value.

const Variant* kanzi::Binding::getCachedSourceValue ( ) const

Returns the source value from rule's internal cache.

This is an internal Kanzi function.

void kanzi::Binding::addValidator ( BindingProcessorSharedPtr  processor)

Add a validator object.

void kanzi::Binding::removeValidator ( const BindingProcessor processor)

Remove a validator object.

BindingProcessorIterator kanzi::Binding::beginBindingProcessors ( ) const
BindingProcessorIterator kanzi::Binding::endBindingProcessors ( ) const
size_t kanzi::Binding::getSourceRegisterCount ( ) const

Gets the number of source registers in binding rule.

size_t kanzi::Binding::getConstantRegisterCount ( ) const

Gets the number of constant registers in binding rule.

size_t kanzi::Binding::getTemporaryRegisterCount ( ) const

Gets the number of temporary registers in binding rule.

size_t kanzi::Binding::getDataSourceRegisterCount ( ) const

Gets the number of data source registers in binding rule.

void kanzi::Binding::attach ( Node objectNode)

Attach binding.

This is Kanzi-internal function, use Node::addBinding() instead.

void kanzi::Binding::detach ( )

Detach binding.

This is Kanzi-internal function, use Node::addBinding() instead.

Node* kanzi::Binding::getAttachedNode ( ) const

Get the object node the rule is attached to, if any.

void kanzi::Binding::addConstantRegister ( const Variant constant)

Add a constant value to the binding.

void kanzi::Binding::setConstantRegister ( size_t  index,
const Variant constant 

Set constant register at given index.

void kanzi::Binding::setTemporaryRegisterCount ( size_t  count)

Set the number of temporaries for the binding.

const Variant* kanzi::Binding::getSourceRegister ( size_t  index) const

Get access to source register.

const Variant* kanzi::Binding::getConstantRegister ( size_t  index) const

Get access to constant register.

Variant* kanzi::Binding::getTemporaryRegister ( size_t  index)

Get access to temporary register.

const Variant* kanzi::Binding::getDataSourceRegister ( size_t  index) const

Get access to data source register.

bool kanzi::Binding::getTargetPropertyType ( AbstractPropertyType out_targetPropertyType,
PropertyField out_field 
) const

Returns target property type and property field of the binding rule if it is writing to property.

BindingSharedPtr kanzi::Binding::copy ( ) const

Copies a binding object.

bool kanzi::Binding::isAttached ( ) const

Tells if this binding is attached.

void kanzi::Binding::addOperation ( BindingOperationSharedPtr  operation)

Adds operation to the binding.

Operations are executed in order in which they are added to the binding when binding is invoked.

void kanzi::Binding::setTemplateRoot ( NodeSharedPtr  templateRoot)

Sets the template root of this binding.

Template root is used template root bindings. This is an internal function.

NodeSharedPtr kanzi::Binding::getTemplateRoot ( ) const

Gets the template root of this binding.

Template root is used template root bindings. This is an internal function.

optional<ResourceID> kanzi::Binding::getIdIfResourceSource ( ) const

Gets the Resource ID, if the source is a ResourceSource.

Source Resource ID if source is ResourceSource, else nullopt.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class DataContextListener

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